About Us

Hi There,

I’d would like to thank you for visiting KnifeGenie.com ! I know that you’ll benefit from all the information on how to get the very best cool pocket knives. You’ll also discover the fast and easy way to learn how to buy and use these knives also to care them and debunk a number of popular (but wrong myths) when it comes to pocket knives.

Why the KnifeGenie.com website?

I wanted to help the average knife enthusiast out there because I’ve managed to get some great results in selection of knives using these search techniques and over the years I learn a few nifty tricks while buying and owning knives and I wanted to share the love! I’ve managed to get to know my way around all that it entails and now that I’ve figured out what I’m doing I feel compelled to share my new-found knowledge with others.

KnifeGenie.com is the result of that. I hope you like it.

All the best,
