How to Sharpen a Convex Blade


If you’re new to blade making, learning how to sharpen a convex blade can be quite difficult. If you’ve already made some blades, however, you probably don’t find it difficult. In fact, you may have made many blades and have already learned how to hone them. Either way, it’s important to learn how to sharpen a convex blade properly and avoid common mistakes.

how to sharpen convex blade

Easy to make

How to sharpen a convex edge? Convex edges are the same as regular blades and can be sharpened at any angle, even a higher or lower angle. These edges are made up of many facets, the more facets there are, the smoother the curvature. As the angle and grit change, the convex edges will smooth themselves out and be sharper.

A convex edge is often known as a Moran grind. It is a rounded shape that tapers to the point where the blade cutting edge is sharpest. This grind type is considered superior to other types because of its durability and wear down properties. It also produces less drag when sharpening a blade than other types of edge. A convex edge is not a new blade sharpening technique, but it does require some basic knowledge.


convex edge

Once you’ve got the basic set-up and are ready to grind, you can begin sharpening your convex blade. You should first make sure that the edge is damaged before sharpening. If it’s not, you should start with a coarse edge and work evenly. You can also try to remove a burr, which is a piece of metal that pushed off the blade. This is similar to breaking a thin piece of metal by hand.

Easy to sharpen

One of the first things you should know about how to sharpen a convex blade is how it cuts. Blades do not always cut uniformly. Every cut has its own nuance. The shape of your blade, its steel type, and how it is crafted can all play a role in its ability to cut. It is important to know how to sharpen a convex blade properly so that you can use it effectively for different tasks.



To sharpen a convex blade, you should start by soaking the stone with water. Generally, you should soak it for at least 10 minutes. The water can be dripped on the stone, so that it is wet but not saturated. The next step is to reverse the process and sharpen the other side of the blade. You can also use an Original Knife & Tool Sharpener to do the job for you.

Disadvantages of convex grinds

The disadvantages of convex grinds when sharpened blades are similar to those of flat grinds. The flat grind is a more palatable choice for some blades because of its middle ground strength and lack of binds and waviness. Flat grinds are similar to convex grinds in their curvatures and lack of secondary bevels, and some even call them Scandi grinds.




A convex grind is a bit stronger than a hollow grind, but the flat grind is more efficient. Convex grinds also are easier to sharpen, which is an important feature when sharpening a blade. Regardless of their strength, however, they often dull the edge faster than their counterparts. This is why convex grinds are often called “Axe Grinds.”

A convex grind has an angled edge that is flat in the middle, but is slightly bowed outward. This grind tends to be the most durable and sturdiest grind, and it has the least contact with material. Because it is more expensive, convex grinds are usually used on custom-made blades. They require special equipment and are not widely available outside of the custom market.

Ways to maintain convexity while thinning blade


knife edge while thinning

There are several ways to maintain the convexity of your knife edge while thinning. Generally, convex edges have a longer and more supportive material than their V-grind counterparts, and they retain their edge better than their V-grind counterparts. However, when you switch from one type of edge to the other, you may find that it requires more grinding to achieve the desired result.