Cleaning a Pocket Knife To Remove Rust or Stains

how to clean a knife

If you have ever wondered how to clean a pocket knife properly then here are some guidelines that can help. First things first, always remember to always handle the knife with care and you should pick it up carefully with your hand and not the tip of your fingers.

This simple step will help reduce the chance that you can accidentally cut yourself with the knife blade as I have seen happen countless times.

When it comes to cleaning the knife blade I believe one of the most important steps is to remove any coating of oil or grease from the knife. To do this you should take the knife apart if possible.

Once you’ve done this you can then wipe it down with a wet towel and some mild soap. The soap you choose to use should be very mild and you don’t want to use something that is too harsh because it can damage your knife.

cleaning a pocket knife

The Best Method For Cleaning A Pocket Knife

One way that you can test to see if your blade needs cleaning is to press down on the edge of the knife and feel if the knife slides back and forth a little. If the knife doesn’t move then it is clean. If it does though then you need to take the knife apart again and clean the blade.

If you’re going to be using steel wool as an abrasive then it’s recommended that you use steel wool that is slightly damp. To do this you just take a damp piece of steel wool and dip it into some water.

Once you’ve placed the steel wool on the blade and allowed it to sit for a few minutes you then run water through it with a wet rag. This should completely rinse the knife.

Cleaning a Pocket Knife with Rubbing Alcohol

cleaning pocket knife rubbing alcohol

Another method of cleaning a knife is with rubbing alcohol. To do this you take about two cups of water and mix it with one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Now what you want to do is apply the rubbing alcohol to the blade and let it sit for around ten to fifteen minutes.

Then you take the small brush that you can get at most hardware stores and gently scrub the knife. Be careful because if you scrub too hard you may cause damage to the steel or the handle. When you are done cleaning, you can rinse the knife in warm water and then dry it.

How to clean a pocket knife with rust successfully

how to clean a pocket knife rust

As you can see, it’s not that hard to keep your knife in good condition when cleaning it. If you find that after you’ve cleaned your knife and it still looks a bit dingy then you may want to take it to a professional knife cleaner to have it professionally maintained.

They will be able to remove stains from the blade and give it a nice polish up top. This will help it to always look its best. I personally would suggest that you take your knife to the pros as they will be able to save you money.

How to Clean a Swiss Army Pocket Knife Multitool

Cleaning a Swiss Army multitool pocket knife may seem like a daunting task because of all the different tools it has but nothing can be further from the truth.

All knives regardless of the make are made of the same materials basically. These materials are steel, plastic and bone or other common products and whether you use WD40, rubbing alcohol or a knife cleaning kit it’s ok.

pocket knife cleaning kit

However be careful and make sure the material can take these products without discoloration or other negative effects. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

In conclusion, once you have mastered the cleaning of your knives as stated above, it doesn’t matter whether its a Swiss Army or Buck, the process to clean it is the same based on the material used to make it.