Knife Blade Types and Uses

If you want to make the most of your knife, learn more about the different types of blades. The curved, drop point, and trailing point blades are among the most popular. These knives have a long cutting edge and can be used for a variety of tasks. These knives are also commonly called normal blades and are often found on Spyderco knives. Read on to learn more about these types of blades and their unique characteristics.

Spear point knife blade: This type of blade has a concave spine and a sharp point at its tip. This type of blade is commonly used for stabbing and detailed work. It is also used for whittling. In fact, the blades of a spear are the strongest of all the different blade types. As with any tool, you should never mix one with the other. The difference is significant.

Hook Type Knife Blades: These blades are typically shaped like a hook. They are used for heavy-duty work like field dressing or cutting lines. Although they are not harmful, the extra hook cutting edge can make it difficult to compress down the spine. Additionally, hook type knives can get stuck in small areas. Therefore, it’s best to check with a professional before using your new knife. A professional will be able to give you tips for choosing the right blade for your needs.