Gerber Folding Pocket Knives With Warranty
Gerber Legendary Blades was started in 1939 by Peter Gerber in Oregon USA and it was the first production knife company to pair with a custom knife company to team up with someone making custom knives namely David Murphy. These handmade knives were very popular and were sold by Abercombe and Fitch. Bear Grylls has helped design a line of survival knives and tools for the company. In a 2015 survey of knife enthusiasts conducted by KnifeNews, Gerber was the 6th most commonly remembered brand.
Gerber knives are some of the most sought after in the market today.These knives are easily identified by their logo which is engraved on the blade.They are many models available including:
1. Gerber Guardian Pocket Knife
2. Gerber Mark 11: Used for fighting.
Click here to see more models
There are many more manufacturers of really cool pocket knives and you can find them listed here.