Laws Governing Pocket Knives

Pocket Knife Laws In US And Worldwide

Is It Legal or Illegal to Carry a Pocket Knife? – The Laws Vary in USA, Canada, UK, Australia

pocket knife laws State Pocket Knife Laws photo

US Knife Laws by States

Alabama Hawaii Massachusetts New York Tennessee
Alaska Idaho Michigan Wyoming Texas
Arizona Illinois Minnesota North Carolina Utah
Arkansas Chicago Mississippi North Dakota Vermont
California Indiana Missouri Ohio Virginia
Los Angeles Iowa Montana Oklahoma Washington
Colorado Kansas Nebraska Oregon West Virginia
Connecticut Kentucky Nevada Pennsylvania Wisconsin
Delaware Louisiana New Hampshire Rhode Island
Florida Maine New Jersey South Carolina
Georgia Maryland New Mexico South Dakota

Is your pocket knife legal or illegal in your state or country? What are the Laws? In some U.S. states it is illegal to posses or carry such a knife in public. In some other jurisdiction such as Canada, UK and Australia different laws apply. See your knife’s legal status in your state or country.

Watch this video explaining pocket knife laws in the USA.


Blade laws in UK explained…..

Cool Pocket Knives